Jasp developing team
(The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
YAMAMOTO Yoshikazu
(Tokushima Bunri University)
(Tokushima Bunri University)
(Tokyo University of Information Science)
HONDA Keisuke
(Open Technologies Corporation)

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User interface of Jasp
Design principles of user interface
Terminal windows on which users give their commands by the language, or CUI (Character User Interface) were popular before. Recently, however, GUIs are preferred, especially by beginners or non-frequent users, because GUI is easier to operate than CUI..
CUI requires heavy study of the language and memorizing commands. GUI uses pop-up menus, which show available procedures on the screen and work as a kind of help system. However, when users become familiar to a statistical system, learn the language and want to do complex analysis by it, they feel frustration for many mouse clicking, and need to use the language on CUI or to write programs. For these reasons, it is desirable that GUI and CUI ( or language ) can be used alternatively without difficulty.

We design Jasp UI (User Interface) in such a way that CUI and GUI correspond as much as possible. In Jasp session, we usually have both a CUI terminal window and a GUI window.
A CUI window is divided into upper and lower sub windows. Following figure is an example of CUI window (Please ignore contents).

We can operate Jasp fully by evaluating Jasp programs written in the upper sub window, and the result is printed as a series of characters in the lower sub window. When they are evaluated, top-level assignment sentences produce icons of assigned variables on a GUI window. A GUI window is divided into three parts. The upper left window is to record icons of variables assigned at the top-level in evaluating commands. For example, when we read data from a file by the command
  • data = read("japan.dat")

in the CUI window, an icon which expresses variable data appears on the upper left GUI window. The lower left window shows available functions and Jasp classes. The right window shows tables and graphs of results by command evaluation.

The GUI window is designed to use Jasp functions as much as possible by mouse operations. Following is an example of GUI window (and also ignore the contents).

In the upper left window, icons of variables which express objects are arranged according to the generated orders. It records and shows the history of analysis clearly and intuitively. When we specify an icon by a mouse pointer, pop-up menu appears, which shows a list of available methods for the object. By choosing one of menu items, we can send the message to the object, and have results. This GUI operation can generate corresponding Jasp command in a CUI window. Functions in the lower left windows also can be executed by mouse operation.

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